Agroforestry International endeavors to bring knowledge and oversight to people and companies employing argorforestry to better serve the earth and humanity over the long term.

Agroforestry is a sustainable land management system that combines agricultural practices with the cultivation and management of trees and woody plants. It is an integrated approach that seeks to create symbiotic relationships between trees and crops, livestock, or other agricultural components.

In agroforestry systems, trees are deliberately planted or conserved alongside agricultural crops and/or livestock to create a more diverse and resilient ecosystem. The design and arrangement of agroforestry systems vary depending on the climate, soil conditions, and specific goals of the landowners or farmers.

There are several types of agroforestry systems, including:

  • Alley Cropping: This involves planting rows of trees or shrubs in between rows of annual crops. The trees provide various benefits, such as shade, windbreak, nutrient cycling, and improved soil health.
  • Silvopasture: In this system, trees or shrubs are integrated with livestock grazing. The trees offer shade and forage for the animals, while the livestock can help maintain the vegetation through grazing.
  • Forest Farming: Forest farming combines tree crops (e.g., nuts, fruits, or medicinal plants) with other agricultural components in a way that mimics natural forest ecosystems.
  • Windbreaks and Shelter belts: Trees are planted in rows or groups to act as barriers to reduce wind erosion and protect crops or livestock from strong winds.
  • Home gardens, food forests, and Multi-strata Systems: These are agroforestry systems found around homes or villages, incorporating diverse plant species, including fruit trees, vegetables, and medicinal plants.

The benefits of agroforestry include increased biodiversity, improved soil fertility and water retention, carbon sequestration, reduced soil erosion, and enhanced overall ecosystem resilience. Agroforestry can contribute to sustainable food production while simultaneously promoting environmental conservation and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Many communities around the world have been practicing agroforestry for centuries, and it continues to gain recognition as an essential component of sustainable agriculture and land management.

AgroForestry International is creating a truly searchable data base of the trees plants and animals to help you develop sustainable productive farms. Through a balanced mix the maximum productive value of land under management can be achived that will creat healthy sustainable and environmentaly friendly farms. We belive this information should be free and available to everyone and through contrubutions from our sponsers we will achive this goal.

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